I've been bad and haven't posted in like, a billion days. Okay, so more like a week, but same difference. I suppose it doesn't really matter, because not a whole lot has been going on. I was feeling sick the majority of last week and even today I'm still not feeling 100%. But let's see.... what have we been up to lately?
Went to the baby doctor last week and doc says all is well with the little Bug (that's my nickname I finally settled on, "Bug") and according to the doctor, he is measuring exactly where he needs to be at. So I'm not quite sure where the NP got her "two weeks bigger" number from, but apparently everything is going according to plan for a November 12 baby. That doesn't mean that we still don't have a hunch though. Hubs even said the other day at our friends house, "We're gonna have a Halloween party and just wait, we'll either be in labor or he will already be here by then!" Yep. That's my guess. He'll be a Halloween-ish baby. Which would be okay with me, I love Halloween!
I'm still trying my hardest to wait ever so patiently for Babies R Us to call and inform me that my nursery furniture is here. Because let's be honest, it's about time! It has officially been over a week and I'm really hoping it doesn't take the full 14 days that they quoted. Because I'm super impatient about these kinds of things... And since I don't have my furniture yet, I haven't even touched my projects (the Name Project and the Alphabet Project) because I need to see how the room looks with the crib and dresser in it before I can proceed.
So, I can hear you asking, what is it that you have been doing? Well, lately, as I'm trying to tackle the bigger things on my to do list, it seems that the little tedious, "unimportant" things have been multiplying tenfold. So in all my "sickness" and being lazy, I've gotten a head start on vanquishing those pesky little tedious projects. Like getting the calendar updated, and getting a new bill organizer so I can easily keep track of what's been paid and what I need to file; and I stole Sherry from Young House Love's idea and got a sweet little binder to keep all my magazine tear outs in (tear outs from decorating and home magazines that I really like, paint ideas, furniture, etc) so they don't end up all over the place; and I started cleaning out the junk closet in the boy's room. (Yes, their room is technically the "master suite" and it has two closets, so, of course, one has been designated the junk closet) I got all of the papers and whatnot filed away neatly, and started getting rid of stuff - i.e. take to Goodwill, try and Craigslist, maybe Freecycle. And that's actually about all I've gotten done. I know, I'm lazy, I just haven't had much energy to do anything lately. However, we did get the last of the holiday decorations, like my random Christmas and Halloween stuff, pulled out of the junk closet and tucked away neatly in the attic. Along with some other shtuff that the Hubs cleaned out of the garage and put up there, like old camping equipment and old school books (but only until I get my bookshelves up in the front room, then we'll have some sort of little library started).
And besides putting stuff in the attic, I've been having a major drool fest over certain things I would like for the house. I think I might just start a little "wish list" for gift ideas like my birthday, Christmas, etc. But just to give you an idea, here's what I've been drooling over lately:

And lately I've been trying to find a new bedding set; I want to redo the bedroom and lighten it up just a little bit. I really want to keep the blue-ish theme, but more of a teal-ish blue? I'm not sure, but what I do know is that I have found several bedding sets that I am in love with:

And there are many, many more things that I would love to have, but you'll have to just check out the wish list page, once I get it updated, which is one of the bajillion other things on my "Tedious To Do" list, along with getting the site updated... I know, scold me....
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